Saturday, 26 January 2013

So here it goes... The beginning of my blogging adventures.
Let me start off with the reason behind this blog. A few days ago my husband Brandon and I attended a foster and adoption information night in our community. Let me tell you that adoption has been something I have dreamed about since I was a little girl, and something Brandon and I had discussed before we got married. However he was not as passionate about it as I was. Brandon is the more logical mind in our relationship, and I am definitely the dreamer. So naturally he had logical reasons to be a bit squeamish about the subject. So Jan 24 2013 we set out in hopes to get a better understanding of the adoption process. I prayed for weeks that God would make it clear what direction we were to go in and that Brandon and I would be on the same page. I prayed that if it was God's plan for us to adopt Brandon would feel as passionate As I do about it. And if that was not God's plan for us that he would change my heart.

We went out for dinner before hand, I was so anxious. What if we are not supposed to adopt? What if God had a different idea for our lives? I said a little silent prayer "father God... I don't know what to say at this point. My mind has gone blank. Ah... I just want your will for my life even if it is not what I had mapped out!" but my anxieties continued. All of the sudden I was reminded of Philippians 4:6–7 'be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.' following dinner we headed to the children's services building, 30 minutes early! I prayed again, asking God once more to make it clear to us what direction he would have us go.

It was time to go in. "hello, can I get your names please?" she was really nice, didn't seem as intimidating as I had imagined. We were lead down a long hallway with about 30 other people whom had evidently come to find out more information on adoption or foster care. Foster Care... I could never do that! I would get to attached. It would be to hard. You have to be incredibly strong to be a foster parent. There is no way!

We walked into a big room with a few rows of chairs set up. On the chairs were bags with the children's services logo on them, a piece of paper and a pen. The meeting began. They explained the application process, which is pretty well the same as the foster care process. I wrote down every word they said about the adoption process, wanting to soak it all in. Surely this is what we were called to do, why else would I want it so badly? Next they went into information relevant to foster care. I listened. Intrigued. Just then Brandon leaned over and gently nudged my arm "write this down" so I did. The meeting lasted about one and a half hours. In closing they gave everyone 3 options. Option 1. Pick up an information package on your way out, take it home and digest all of what was shared this evening. Option 2. Pick up an application form, take it home and begin the process. Or option 3. This is not for you, or you need more time to think about what was just presented to you. "well, do you want the information package or the application form?"- did my husband just ask me that??? Yes, he did. And the application form was our choice. However not exactly for the reason you may think. We both decided that Foster Care was where we wanted to start our journey. At that moment I threw away the map I had laid out for my life, everything I had planned for my future and decided it was time to allow God to lead the way.


  1. Sarah! This is amazing,
    I know that it is a hard journey to be on. My husband and I started in November 2011. I will be thinking and praying for you guys!!

    1. Oh this is Rebecca from Hamilton :) We went to grade school together!
