Monday, 4 February 2013

So its Monday. The day I have been waiting for. I worked night sleep last night, which ended up being a night awake. I thought about coming home and sleeping for a bit, but I just couldn't. I could not wait for 1pm to roll around! We kept busy in the am. Played on the floor with the kids most of the morning then N and I headed out for a bit. We came home just in time for lunch. Right as we were finishing up lunch the phone rang. This was it.... "hello" Brandon answered. I helped N finish up her lunch and got D cleaned up and ready for his nap. I could hear Brandon answering a bunch of questions about us and our expectations. "well, if you knew my wife you would know that she is up for a challenge. Especially if she feels its something God has called her to do. So if you were to ask me that question I would be a little apprehensive, but my wife, Not at all." wow, wow, wow what was he talking about??? He continued "umm... Well I really wish you knew my wife, she's unlike anyone one you have even met I can guarantee you." I was pleasantly surprised by the words coming out of my husband's mouth, but what in the world were they discussing? And what exactly was he getting me into?!

 Brandon. This is how I would describe my husband... Fun loving, playful, friendly, fairly care free however a little, ok more than a little bit of a worrier... And he's very much what you see is what you get. He speaks his mind which is one of the things I love about him, however it can be a little scary at times too. Turns out they were talking about how many children we would be willing to take in at a time. His answer, 1 maybe 2. My answer up to 4. So we agreed 3 would be a good compromise. They also discussed the maximum age we were willing to take in Brandons answer, 3 maybe 4. My answer, it depends on the situation. Brandon agreed.

Brandon was on the phone for about an hour, he went into detail about our past, losing the babies, how we met, and why we wanted to pursue foster and adoption. They laughed, she cried and I cleaned. I tend to clean when I am nervous, stressed or anxious and my fridge has never looked so white! The verdict? She seemed to like us. We begin our pride training on Wednesday. It will take 9 weeks, we both have to attend each and every one of the meetings. Our home study will be done at the same time meaning we could have a child/children in our care in as little as 9 weeks. Possibly sooner if they approve us as a safe home, and they have a child they feel would be a good fit. In that case we may be approached before our training is complete. I am excited. I am thankful that God has taken us in this direction and I look forward to what he has in store for us on this journey. I understand that things may not always be easy, but as my pastor preached yesterday, with God the impossible is possible and we can do all things through Christ. When I was a little girl my dad used to tell  me that all the time. I remember before heading to bed one night he made  me repeat this to him and he assured me that with Christ's Strength anything was possible. And as James 1:27 says: 'Religion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress.' So I shall obey!

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